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The China National Furniture Association was invited to attend the Investment Forum on the Suez Canal Economic Zone in Egypt.

Egypt, as the intersection of the "Belt and Road" initiative, is a historical hub of trade and culture between the East and the West. On December 8, 2022, during the China-Arab States summit held in Riyadh, President Xi Jinping met with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and emphasized that China firmly supports Egypt in pursuing a development path that suits its national conditions, and is willing to deepen the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" with Egypt. " cooperation, and well implement major cooperation projects such as the "China-Egypt Suez Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone". The leaders of the two countries stated that they will work together to build a China-Egypt community with a shared future in the new era and promote new and greater development of the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.
On May 22, 2023, at the invitation of Asim Hanafi, the Egyptian ambassador to China, and Walid Jamaleddin, chairman of the Suez Canal Economic Zone Directorate in Egypt, Xu Xiangnan, chairman of the China Furniture Association, entrusted the vice chairman and secretary-general Tu Qi went to the Egyptian Embassy in China to attend the Egyptian Suez Canal Economic Zone Investment Forum.
During the meeting, Vice Chairman and Secretary-General Tu Qi and Egyptian Ambassador to China Asim Hanafi exchanged views on the background and future opportunities of China-Egypt furniture industry cooperation. She said that the Chinese and Egyptian furniture industries are highly complementary and have broad prospects for development. China is the world's largest furniture manufacturer, exporter and consumer. Chinese furniture products have a competitive advantage in the world. The association is willing to cooperate with the Egyptian government in design and development, technological innovation, industry management, and other aspects, relying on the Suez Canal Economic Zone and other platforms to help Egypt cultivate furniture industry clusters and promote Egyptian enterprises and products to improve their international competitiveness. Ambassador Asim Hanafi said that furniture is one of the key development industries in Egypt. Relying on the comprehensive strategic partnership established by the two countries in 2014, bilateral investment, trade and cultural exchanges have good conditions. Chinese furniture companies are welcome to come Develop the Egyptian market and carry out extensive cooperation with local Egyptian companies.
    Vice Chairman and Secretary-General Tu Qi exchanged views on investment opportunities in the furniture industry with Walid Jamaleddin, Chairman of the Suez Canal Economic Zone Directorate of Egypt. She said that the economic zone has a national strategic position in Egypt, and the two sides can jointly leverage policy advantages, gather the entire furniture industry chain, build a cooperation platform for furniture companies in China and Egypt, support the development of high-quality projects, and fully tap market opportunities in Egypt and neighboring countries  Chairman Walid Jamaluddin said that the economic zone's convenient business conditions, sound industrial policies, and customized corporate services will create an open, win-win, and green business environment for Chinese furniture companies. He is willing to assist the China Furniture Association, rreceivevisitingdelegations to visit the economic zone, and help enterprises connect with the local market.
Vice Chairman and Secretary-General Tu Qi held talks with Ahmed Zaki, Minister Plenipotentiary of the Economic and Commercial Section of the Egyptian Embassy in China, and Masitab Ibrahim, Counselor of the Economic and Commercial Section of the Egyptian Embassy in China. The two sides discussed the aspects of industrial docking, cluster cultivation, exhibition trade, upstream and downstream chain extension, etc., and believed that the furniture industry cooperation between China and Egypt is very extensive, covering brand design, operation management, hardware accessories, furniture panels, and other links. The Egyptian side expressed its willingness to actively introduce outstanding Chinese enterprises to promote the transformation and upgrading of Egypt's domestic industries through investment, transfer, or trade.
Since 2002, the Egyptian government has vigorously developed the Suez Canal area, and in 2014 fully upgraded the development strategy to build the Suez Canal Economic Zone, actively docking with China's "Belt and Road" initiative, giving full play to the role of important waterways in the world, and building a global shipping hub and industry Center and passage for East-West trade. The economic zone is equipped with six ports and two airports, and four industrial parks have been developed, covering a total area of 455 square kilometers. It is connected to Egypt's latest modern road network and directly connected to the newly built Suez Canal Tunnel, improving the convenience of ttrans